So my advice would be prepared for a 10’ snake. Is they rarely ever get over 10’ but snakes never stop growing their entire life so depending on conditions and feeding and genetics it can happen but it’s rare. Do others agree with this? I think the really only common thing that is known across the board. Island form red-tailed boas tend to be smaller than others, often falling below two meters long (over 6.5 feet). One snake could max out at 5 but another one could max out at 8 and they both be “bci” I honestly don’t like how it works cause it seems like any snake that isn’t a bc or other species gets lumped into the bci category so it really just depends on the snake you purchase. Normally, you can expect a red-tailed boa to grow between 2-3 meters (6.5-10 feet) in length, with exceptions and variations known as island forms. It all depends on the specific snakes genetics. Male boas evidently grow to be something like 4 to 6 feet long (the data on this is also not very consistent), so I'm wondering if this would be sufficient for a comfortable lifetime or if the boa is going to eventually be quite uncomfortable.I think everything is so inconsistent is because, the common boa or bci isn’t just one locale species they have been bred so much that thier really Isn’t a set in stone size. We’ve also heard of pythons and anacondas, two other massive snakes. I'm planning to get a male BCI who is still pretty young, and I may have a very good deal on an enclosure that is something like 4' x 2' x 1.5'. The largest boa constrictor ever caught measured 18 feet long, according to National Geographic. Other places don't even differentiate between males and females, and just give one categorical size for all adult boas.

Other places say length by itself should equal the boa's size, then about 2 feet of width (or depth).
#Boa constrictor size and length plus
Some places say "length plus width should equal the boa's adult size," for instance. I have been reading up on this a lot, but information on the internet is inconsistent or sometimes incomplete.